Balkan Anarchist Bookfair 2013 – Protest action in Ljubljana



The assembly of the participants of the Balkan Anarchist Bookfair 2013 (that was taking place in Ljubljana/Slovenia 24 – 26 May 2013) decided to use the opportunity and make a political intervention in the city.

The Statement from the action:

All infos about the Balkan Anarchist Bookfair 2013:

WE ARE THEIR CRISIS — for a transnational struggle against capitalism and repression!

We, the participants of the Balkan Anarchist Bookfair in Ljubljana, are taking to the streets today in order to express our common rejection of capitalism and repression. We are an international community of anarchists and anti-authoritarians, engaged in struggles against the regime of capitalist exploitation, austerity measures, the rise of nationalism and fascism and state repression.

The global crisis of capitalism has completely discredited the dogma that capitalism and liberal democracy can provide for the well-being of all. As anarchists and anti-authoritarians, we reject austerity measures and authoritarian crisis management as a solution to the crisis. We understand austerity measures as a path towards a Europe of generalized poverty. We also reject nationalist populism and fascism as responses to the social crisis that the austerity measures are causing. The only solution to the crisis can be the destruction of capitalism and the state and the continuous construction of new social relations, free of all forms of exploitation and domination. Building a new world in the shell of the old!

In the time of the crisis and intensified social conflicts, state repression is becoming increasingly brutal and police is transforming more and more into a paramilitary force, serving the interests of political and economic elites. Basic rights of all those who resist capitalist expropriation of our lives are being continuously suspended. We stand in solidarity with all political prisoners and subjects of repression. We strongly reject the criminalization of widespread revolts. No justice, no peace, fuck the police!

We invite everyone who is interested to take part in the common struggle:

Let’s kick capitalism while it’s down!

General assembly of the Balkan Anarchist Bookfair 2013

Ljubljana, 25. May 2013

Photos and video of protest action in Ljubljana:



